
Featured Artist: STELLA

What’s a great thing about being LGBTQ/ gender non-binary?
What I love about being LGBTQ is that I feel like I have a community. Even in Utah where the laws and policies are all working against me having a community and a culture, I still have one. I also love meeting queer people from other places and immediately finding common ground because our experience is the same and I can talk about the same things with them as I do with my friends here! It's incredible!

What’s something that is difficult or a worry because you are LGBTQ or gender non-binary?
What's difficult about being LGBTQ is the fact that I stress about people treating me differently when they find out; I especially worry about my extended family Sometimes. In very extreme cases I have the distinct sense that if I were to be known as LGBTQ it would put me in danger.

What do you hope for your life?
I hope that in my life I will have many many interesting experiences and meet interesting people. I just want to learn, honestly, and I think the best way to learn is to get out there and experience and observe the world.

What state or region are you from?
I'm from Ogden, Utah, which is this cute little artsy town near Salt Lake City but when I was younger my time was split more evenly between there and Helsinki, Finland where my mom is from and where that side of my family all lives.

Who inspires you?
My mom is probably my biggest inspiration. I know that sounds cliche but she's honestly the most intelligent and fascinating person I know! She's had a crazy life and has so many wild stories about traveling, studying, growing up, and I just want to be able to have stories like that as well.

Anything else you want to say to the world?

I would like to say that I am so excited for this opportunity and please continue to support queer folk in the arts because it really helps us.

I hope that in my life I will have many many interesting experiences and meet interesting people. I just want to learn, honestly, and I think the best way to learn is to get out there and experience and observe the world.