Trans Safety Project


The Trans Safety Project works to engage faith and community-based organizations to prevent and respond to hate Crimes, violence and discrimination against transgender persons. Congregation members will work with community members to advocate for safe schools, workplaces, community services and businesses and to influence local and regional legislation and policies.


According to the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, transgender persons are among the most severely impacted by hate violence. In 2013, the majority of victims of hate violence homicides were transgender women. Transgender women are also about twice as likely to experience sexual violence as cisgender women. For transgender women of color, these rates are even higher. While some categories of hate crimes are declining, more transgender people were killed in 2015 than any other year on record (Human Rights Campaign, 2016). Though the high rates of hate violence against members of the transgender community are well documented, efforts to protect transgender persons and prevent violence against the transgender community are limited.

Because churches, faith communities and organizations are located in every neighborhood and create community for congregants and nearby residents, they are a natural partner in keeping transgender per-sons safe in their neighborhoods, both through prevention and active response when violence does occur. This project encompasses three overarching goals in a grassroots effort to train, empower, and support faith communities in protecting transgender persons.


  1. Mobilize faith organizations and community members to prevent/reduce hate violence and discrimination against transgender persons within communities that are disproportionally affected by violence or underreporting of violence
  2. Equip faith communities to respond effectively after a hate crime or act of violence against a transgender person through individual and community support mechanisms and with accountability measures
  3. Empower faith organizations and communities members to advocate for affirming and protective school policies and local legislation for transgender students and transgender adults.